Latch and Attach Prenatal & Postnatal Breastfeeding & Chestfeeding Online Course


Where Latching at the Breast Means Attaching at the Heart

Learn how birth influences breastfeeding, how breastfeeding works, to how breastfeeding influences parenting.

$79 CAD for UNLIMITED access! PLUS $9 Course Manual for FREE for Limited Time!

Want more details on the course before buying?

Click to read more about Latch and Attach Course.


  1. Why is this course important?

What you will be getting sprinkled throughout the three classes:


  • How birth influences breastfeeding, how breastfeeding works, how breastfeeding influences parenting. 
  • Where and when to go for continued help
  • Material drawn from science-based material
  • How you have a hand in shaping the future of the world by how you raise your child
  • About Loving Guidance parenting method that often develops naturally as we breast/chestfeed, similar to Attachment Parenting
  • Learn how attachment, through breastfeeding, helps our young form empathy

Background on the course:

•Latch and Attach was created to promote the physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of babies, lactators, and their families.

•Is the course spiritually-based? No actually, contrary to other courses on the website, it is not. It is a science-based, factual course. Many sources agree, however, that parenting is a journey that offers spiritual growth and that is why it is being offered through Aluria, Awakening Sacred Journeys. 

Still unsure how this course offers the most comprehensive education? It dares to talk about some sensitive issues that influence breastfeeding but aren’t found elsewhere, issues that might undermine your success such as past sexual abuse, criticism from others, cultural and generational influences, public feeding, and anxiety/stress/postpartum depression. The course gives you the resources to overcome these challenges.

You will get free with the course:

The Parent Course Companion for Latch and Attach e-textbook:

The Parent Course Companion is stock-full with 22 appendices, reminder charts, graphs, and includes whole articles that class does not have time for. This resource gives you the ongoing support that makes all the difference in your success! 

Most common breastfeeding topics, quick tips, where to go to read more on every topic you can think of, and references many world experts on lactation, birth, infant sleep, crying, parenting, and more. Has a suggested books reading list, important reminders from class, and full articles where class shared a condensed version. Appendices include birth plans, reminder charts, graphs, latch and position reference images, babywearing info, from birth to parenting tips: everything that would not fit in the class which you have a lifetime access to!

[Now Free for a limited time when you sign up for the course!]

(Note: Copyright infringement laws protect each author quoted in the course against unauthorized use of Latch and Attach and its material, strict adherence to limitations of license you purchase protects you from copyright infringement) 

Ready to buy the course?

Research shows planning ahead by taking courses increases success rates 

By preparing ahead, parents run into less challenges, recognize issues earlier and seek help before the problem progresses. Parents can avoid early, unintentional weaning when they have the education this course offers.

Breastfeeding does not always go smoothly: this course is your opportunity to feel fully prepared for whatever comes your way. Equip yourself with the knowledge you need in time for when you need it! 

Ideally taken in early pregnancy, you will learn everything from how birth impacts lactation, to surprise superpowers lactation offers in making parenting easier.

Find out how, take the course and empower the future parent in you with the knowledge you will need in time for when you need it! #PrenatalBreastfeedingCourse #AntenatalBreastfeedingCourse #BreastfeedingClass 

Backed by scientific material, when it comes to being prepared, this course covers you from start to finish. 

Education for those expecting, their partners/support persons, advocates & educators in lactation and birth.

While some say “Breast is best,” and others say “Fed is best,” instead: #PreparedIsBest


—Latch and Attach was created to promote the physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of babies, lactators, and their families.—

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