Talking Circles: Healing Through the Power of the Word, Preventative Medicine for Keeping Us Mentally and Emotionally Healthy
As published in Resilient Roots Metis Mental Health and Wellness Magazine”
Indigenous Talking Circles offer great healing opportunities: this e-publication explores the power of a Talking Circle.
Here is an excerpt as published in Resilient Roots Metis Mental Health and Wellness Magazine:
Silence. Serenity. Reverie. Respect. Talking stick passed to me. I take it in my hands, observe the uniqueness of it. My turn to be heard. My turn to share while no one else utters a word. My turn to be held as a sentient being within a safe and healing space. My words allowed to be spoken, slowly at first, then gaining momentum until the floodgates of what I have been carrying flow from me in coalescing words – lifting burden off of me and placing them in the lap of The Creator, the Source of Life. No one here tries to fix me or my problems, they just support, with silence, with respect, honouring that the way through my problems will come to me. I look around at my peers, their faces full of a knowing, empathy, kindness, love. My words are not alien. They have struck a chord with others. I am not alone with the challenges I am facing. My words, now spoken, are creating healing ripple effects through others.